
South Wilford Endowed C of E Primary School

Spark the flame, light up the world.




Engaging lessons taught by confident teachers.



Our lessons are crafted with care and are often perfected over time with input from other teachers, drawing on evidence from observations of pupils in class. Lesson designs set out in detail well-tested methods to teach a given mathematical topic. They include a variety of representations needed to introduce and explore a concept effectively and also set out related teacher explanations and questions to pupils. We follow the White Rose scheme of learning and use Power Maths to support this. We use the Transform calculation guidance to support us. 



Mastery lesson design

Small connected steps are taken in the lesson to ensure coherence. 



We concentrate on providing depth in each area of the maths curriculum and scaffold work in manageable chunks so that all learners can achieve their potential. 


Draws attention to detail – ‘higher attainers’ know how they got there and what it means. Stops artificial early success.


Struggling learners are given the steps that they need to achieve.




This model shows the different components of our lessons. 



The structure of our lessons

The majority of our lessons follow the same structure across the school. 

1. Revisit 2. In Focus task 3. Guided practice 4. Independent practice 5. Challenge 


The children will revisit something they have previously learnt. This regular spaced retrieval is essential in retaining the key mathematical concepts. 

In Focus Task

This is an ‘anchor’ task for the children to have a go at to introduce the lesson or the lesson without any support initially. The teacher will then use this to model the key learning points. 

Guided practice

Teachers will model the key mathematical processes in small steps for the children. The children will complete practice questions to check understanding. Teachers will cover any misconceptions at this stage and will use representations to model effectively. 

Independent practice

Children apply what they have learnt independently. Questions set for the children are carefully planned to show variation, build understanding and allow children to make connections and spot patterns. Interventions will happen regularly to check understanding and push learning forwards. 


Children will be exposed to problem solving on a daily basis. An extra challenge will be provided that is either particularly challenging, sets a ‘trap’ for students, allows them to ‘puzzle’ or enables them to apply other areas of mathematics. 


This is where you can find some resources to support your child at home, should you wish to.
