Our Published admissions number (PAN) is 420- (60 per year group)
All of our admissions are co-ordinated by the Local Authority, this includes children who are due to start to school for the first time (Early Years Foundation Stage) and those who are moving schools (Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage One or Key Stage Two).
For children who have not yet reached statutory school age, we do encourage parents and carers who are keen for their child to attend our school to complete a ‘Register of interest’ form via the link below. Whilst completion of this form does not in any way guarantee that your child will be offered a place, it does assist us greatly with our planning and it also means that you will be invited to our ‘Open Morning’ when you will have an opportunity to tour the school and begin to understand how the transition arrangements work. We also share information of families who feature on our Register of Interest with the Local Authority so that we can be sure that no-one has ‘slipped through the net’.
These are referred to as ‘in-year’ transfers and they occur for a variety of reasons e.g. families who move into the area, issues which cannot be resolved satisfactorily with the existing school etc. Again these applications are administered by the Local Authority but it is advisable to contact the school at an early stage to arrange to visit, meet with the Headteacher etc. Applications are assessed on an ongoing basis alongside whole school pupil numbers, Key Stage numbers and Year Group numbers. If places are available, offer letters are issued by the Local Authority. Where places are not available, names are added to our waiting list.
Finally, if you have any queries or concerns when applying for your child's school place, please contact the school via phone or email and we will happily assist you in any way we can.
School Admissions Team
Children & Adults
Nottingham City Council
LH Box 14
Loxley House
Station Street
Email: schooladmissions@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Telephone: 0115 841 5568
A copy of our current Admissions Policies and a map of the Ancient Parish of Wilford are featured below.
Covid19 – Proposed Variation to Admissions Arrangements for September 2021
If you have any queries in relation to school admission at South Wilford, please contact
Heather Stannard
School Office Manager
e-mail admin@southwilford.nottingham.sch.uk
Telephone 0115 915 2967/8