
South Wilford Endowed C of E Primary School

Spark the flame, light up the world.

Nursery Information

Welcome to our new nursery page!


We are very excited about opening our new provision for children aged 3-4 and we are making big plans behind the scenes to get the environment ready for September.


Our aim is to create an exciting and engaging space for children to play and learn in our outstanding Early years unit.

The children will have access to a wonderful outdoor area, as well as our farm, forest schools area, wildlife garden and allotments.

We are a school that encourages creativity, resilience and curiosity and these will be threads that run through our nursery curriculum along with nurturing respect and love.


Please have a read through the policy and complete the application form if you would like your child to start in our nursery from September 2024.


We will be adding information to this page as we have it but will also contact you with further details. If you are interested and want to receive information about our nursery and do not already have a child at the school, please contact the school office and they will add you to a communications list.   or telephone 01159152967


We will be in touch throughout the summer term with dates for open days, parent information sessions and stay and plays.



Meet the Nursery Team

Nursery Information Session 2024
