Recovery Premium & School Led Tutoring 2021-22
This year we used the recovery premium funding to implement school-led tutoring in school. We identified children who had specific gaps in their knowledge in Maths and Reading and directed school staff to support them.
The impact can be seen below:
The diagram above shows the difference between outcomes for the children from Autumn 2021 to Summer 2022. Red shows children working below age related expectations (ARE), Orange shows those working just below ARE, Green shows children working at ARE and Blue shows those working above ARE.
Covid 19 Catch up funding- £30,000
Catch Up Funding 2021-22
This year we will receive Catch Up funding to support children who have been affected in their education by Covid and the disruption caused. We have carried out detailed data analysis on children who are working below age related and the support they need to reach the expected standard in Maths, Reading and Writing. These children will receive tuition in the required areas. We will assess their progress at the end of each term using the NTS assessments and will carry out ongoing assessment (Low stakes quiz, mind maps, questioning etc) to ensure we are having the greatest impact.