Learning a foreign language has been proven to improve outcomes across other subjects including mathematics and reading, as well as encouraging a broad-minded attitude towards different cultures and backgrounds. We aim to give children a positive introduction to language learning in Key Stage 2, providing them with the basic skills and understanding to prepare them for their language studies in Key Stage 3 and beyond. We also seek to celebrate the diversity of languages spoken within our school community, recognising the skills and assets children for whom English is an additional language bring to the classroom.
- Initial focus on speaking and listening skills, gradually introducing familiarity with reading and recognising written French words and phrases, noting similarities to and differences from English, and using this understanding to begin writing in French
- We use Language Angels scheme of work to provide the lesson plans and progression of the subject through school.
- Use of games, songs, stories and puppets to enable repetition and practice of new vocabulary in interactive and engaging ways
- Broad range of physical and digital resources to engage learners
- Reading a mixture of original French texts and translations of English children’s literature
- Access to Duolingo and other learning apps
- Development of digital learning for differentiation and assessment opportunities
- Use of dual-language dictionaries, teaching around abilities and limitations of translation apps
- Foreign languages being used in daily routines beyond French lessons eg. registration
- French lessons taught in French with English translation – opportunities for incidental learning of regular phrases in addition to topic-specific vocabulary
- Introduction of phonic and grammatical differences from English to deepen understanding and improve readiness for secondary language learning
- Development of links with local secondary schools’ language departments to support transition