
South Wilford Endowed C of E Primary School

Spark the flame, light up the world.

Home Learning

In EYFS and Year 1 all home learning will be uploaded to Tappestry or Dojo. In years 2-6 all home learning is uploaded to Showbie and can be accessed through your child's account. 

Supporting your child's learning at home



The school expectation is that you hear your child read at least three or four times a week, as well as practising their High Frequency ‘tricky’ words and letter sounds. It is also important to read other stories to them to help foster a love of reading.


Here are some links to help with reading at home:

Apps and Websites to Support Early Reading



Phonics: How to blend sounds to read words | Oxford Owl

Suzy Ditchburn explains how letter sounds can be blended to read words, and gives tips on how to practise phonics with your child.Find more phonics help on O...

Phonics help: top 10 tips | Oxford Owl

Get top tips for developing phonics skills at home, advice on decoding and blending words, and how to make the phonics sounds correctly from phonics expert a...



Apps and Websites to Support Maths



