The curriculum is designed to ensure that children leave South Wilford, having experienced all of the National Curriculum. However, we also want children to develop skills and a self-awareness of how they learn.
Everyone in our school, including the adults are developing through research, training and experimentation. Lessons are planned to a high level with creativity and challenge in knowledge, skills and vocabulary. We encourage a range of outcomes including oracy and written.
In the Autumn term, we become historians during our ‘Discover’ term, in the Spring term we become Geographers in our ‘Explore’ term and in Summer, we focus on diversity, identity and term.
At South Wilford CE Primary, we learn indoors and outdoors. We have a Wildlife area where we take part in Forest Schools, a farm with animals and allotments where we grow food and plants. We care for the environment and look for ways to be sustainable and eco friendly.