WRAP AROUND PROVISION – breakfast, after school and holiday clubs
We have an onsite breakfast and after school club (wrap around) run by Rattle and Roll Performance.
Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am until the start of the school day and After School Club runs until 6pm.
Food is provided in both the mornings and after school.
Each evening there is a structured activity (e.g. dodgeball, yoga, drama, dancing, cricket, rounders, bench ball, team challenges and crafts) for your child to join in and each term a new timetable will be issued.
Rattle and Roll Performance also run Holiday Clubs during the school holidays.
All bookings can be made at www.rattleandrollperformance.com. There is further info on the link above or you can contact Rattle and Roll at enquiries@rattleandrollperformance.com or call 07722014301.